Flood and landslide hazard map【英語版】
With the revision of the Flood Control Law, the risk of flooding the Ai River has been reviewed.
In addition, we have created a new flood and landslide hazard map for “seeing, thinking, and preparing” so that citizens can think about evacuation behavior on a regular basis, considering the problem of being delayed in escaping in the event of storms and floods that have occurred all over the country in recent years.
Use the following file to find out on which page your home and other places are listed.
【Indexes】Click here to check the flood risk by town.(PDFファイル:797.1KB)
【Indexed map】Click here to check the flood risk by area.(PDFファイル:779.8KB)
Introduction (Overview of Hazard Map)
P1.Purpose and structure of this map (PDFファイル: 1.1MB)
P2~P3.Flood and landslide disasters expected in Ibaraki City (summary) (PDFファイル: 2.0MB)
P6~P7.How to read a hazard map (PDFファイル: 4.1MB)
P8~P13.Indexes and Indexed map (Town-by-town map and citywide map) (PDFファイル: 1.2MB)
Find the page that contains your area from the indexes and indexed map on pages 8 to 13 to check the disaster risks around your home and find out in advance what action you should take in case of a disaster.
The page numbers in the indexes and indexed map correspond to the page numbers listed at the beginning of each file name in the hazard map by river in Step 1.
Step1 Check the hazard map of flood and landslide disaster such as Ai River!
Step1 Check the hazard map of flood disaster of Nyoze River!
P36~P37.Nyoze River Flood Hazard Map, etc. (PDFファイル: 4.5MB)
Step1 Check the hazard map of flood disaster of Yodo River!
P38~P39.Yodo River Flood Hazard Map, etc. (Assumed maximum scale: 1/1,000 years) (PDFファイル: 4.2MB)
Step1 Check the hazard map of inland water and landslide disaster!
P42~P43.The hazard map of inland water and landslide disaster 1 (PDFファイル: 3.5MB)
P44~P45.The hazard map of inland water and landslide disaster 2 (PDFファイル: 9.4MB)
P46~P47.The hazard map of inland water and landslide disaster 3 (PDFファイル: 5.4MB)
P48~P49.The hazard map of inland water and landslide disaster 4 (PDFファイル: 5.5MB)
Step2 Let’s think about evacuation!
1 Let’s know haw to get disaster prevention information and when to evacuate!
P54~P55.Your evacuation action assessment flow (PDFファイル: 670.3KB)
P56~P57.How to obtain useful disaster prevention information in case of emergency. (PDFファイル: 2.0MB)
P58~P59.Let’s know when to evacuate and what the warning level is. (PDFファイル: 2.0MB)
P62~P63.Let’s get to know the areas where evacuation notices are issued! (PDFファイル: 510.8KB)
2 Let’s think of place of evacuate!
P64~P65.Let’s learn about the evacuation process, dispersed evacuation, etc. (PDFファイル: 497.4KB)
P66~P67.List of shelters and evacuation sites designated by Ibaraki City (PDFファイル: 450.4KB)
3 Always be prepared on a daily basis.
P68~P69.Check and tidy up around the house and other areas. (PDFファイル: 600.6KB)
P70~P71.Preparing an emergency kit and taking care when evacuating. (PDFファイル: 708.1KB)
Step3 How to create My Disaster Prevention Map and My Timeline
P72~P73.Overview and creation of My Disaster Prevention Map and My Timeline. (PDFファイル: 1.9MB)
P74~P75.Checklist for making your own Timeline (PDFファイル: 231.7KB)
P76~P77.Sample of creating a My Timeline (PDFファイル: 407.0KB)
P78~P79.My Timeline creation sheet. (PDFファイル: 191.8KB)
P80.Ibaraki City Disaster and Evacuation Card (PDFファイル: 101.3KB)
Stickers for creating My Disaster Prevention Map and My Timeline. (PDFファイル: 105.1KB)
- この記事に関するお問い合わせ先
茨木市 総務部 危機管理課
〒567-8505 大阪府茨木市駅前三丁目8番13号 茨木市役所本館3階
E-mail kikikanri@city.ibaraki.lg.jp